Go Power!



Creative Arts Farm (@creativeartsfarm) is a family unit of minimalists committed to sustainability, community, and self-care in Los Angeles, CA. It is important to us to reduce our environmental impact as much as possible while assisting others in their journey towards low waste and self-sustainable lives.

We live in a cozy 225 sq ft partially off-grid tiny house as a part of our commitment to community and the Earth by occupying only as much physical space as we need. We spend our time cultivating the land and offering holistic wellness, sustainability education, music, yoga, and urban farming through our small family farm – Creative Arts Farm.

Food, movement, and music are universal languages worldwide, all essential to our physical and emotional nourishment, which is the foundation of the Creative Arts Farm mission; Sowing Seeds of Wellness. We offer experiences to unify community members of diverse abilities and socioeconomic backgrounds through accessible virtual and in person Yoga, Urban Farming & Gardening education, and Live Music performances.

Our sustainable Woodshop is intended to support our community in their gardening and growing needs through handmade items built from reclaimed and locally sourced materials such as elevated planters, pollinator hotels, wood art pieces, and trellises. The Creative Arts Farmstand is our weekly community share, where we offer the week’s harvests that we have grown with our neighborhood. Through these exchanges we are able to further connect with our neighborhood inner circle, and continue serving our mission to cultivate community through Sowing Seeds of Wellness.

Go Power! Impact:

With Go Power! solar supporting our 225 sq ft tiny house electricity needs, we will be able to further our commitment to reducing our environmental impact on Momma Earth, while assisting our community by being a neighborhood example as to how to live off-grid and sustainably in an urban area.

The cost of living in Los Angeles, CA is astronomical and often the availability and access to education about how one can live a low waste and self-sustaining life is unavailable. It is important to us to share what we know about living sustainably and to help others in their journey to grow their own food, implement a daily wellness ritual, and connect with their community through sustainability and self-care.

One of the most important additions Go Power! solar offers our family is the availability to not only power our tiny house and urban farm needs while we’re stationary, but also expand the possibility for us to have mobile electricity as well. Which means when needed, we can take our family and farm on the road to safely support neighboring communities through our Creative Arts Farm offerings, or enjoy an off-grid camping adventure, without having to compromise our safety and familial needs.

As we progress towards acquiring a larger parcel of land to expand our urban farm, we intend to have several tiny dwellings which will need off-grid utilities.

When considering the increasing cost of electricity and the near unlimited supply of solar energy, it was easy for us to decide that partnering with Go Power! solar was the best choice to support our family farm needs. Due to the positive impact of solar energy vs traditional electricity we are able to reduce our carbon footprint which is in direct alignment of our family sustainability goals, and we are also able to reduce our overall utility spending.

We live a minimalistic and holistic life, and we greatly depend on the Earth’s natural resources as our support system for our basic needs and our urban farm. We have spent the past 6 years advocating for solar energy, and we consider Go Power! solar a dream come true towards our homesteading goals. With one less utility to navigate we are able to reallocate more resources back towards our community’s wellness and we now have the comfort and ability to visualize our upcoming plans more clearly knowing that in the future we can power not only our tiny house, but a van conversion, greenhouse, mobile farmstand, or even a tiny foundation home through Go Power! solar.

With this increased knowledge surrounding mobile solar we believe we will be even more equipped with the information needed to assist others in their journey towards reducing their environmental impact. We truly feel as if our possibilities towards our off-grid homestead goals are endless, and we can’t wait to teach others about the power of mobile solar energy!

This is the beginning of a phenomenal opportunity towards increased sustainability and self-care awareness while we continue taking care of ourselves while caring for the community and our planet.


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