Go Power!

Product Warranty Registration Portal

  • To register your Go Power! product(s) for worry-free warranty claims, provide your contact information and upload proof of purchase in the form below.
  • Please provide the first and last name of the purchaser.

    *Please note that Go Power! warranties are non-transferrable.
  • Please note we may contact you regarding product recalls and firmware updates.
    Please let us know which products you have purchased pre-installed, installed, or purchased for your RV.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please provide the date you purchased your item. Installation dates are not applicable here.
  • Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 4 GB, Max. files: 10.
      Upload your receipts, purchase documents, or order confirmations here.
    • By submitting this form you imply consent for a member of our Customer Service, Sales, and Technical Support teams to contact you. To view how we use collected information, click here to review our privacy policy.


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