Go Power!

Weekender ISW Solar Charging System (200 watts)


The Weekender ISW System combines our largest single Solar Kit and our most popular pure sine wave inverter, for a complete RV power package. The result is an economical yet powerful way to have most of the comforts you need wherever you dry camp. Like the SOLAR EXTREME and SOLAR ELITE systems, it features all of the components that will allow convenient access to AC or solar power through your breaker panel, and the ability to charge batteries from both shore and solar power.

A Go Power! Smart Converter Charger is not included in this package; however, the system will easily integrate with your vehicle's stock converter. The WEEKENDER ISW* is easily expandable into a full-time system, with the addition of one or more expansion kits (up to 600 watts).

*Best paired with 200Ah of AGM Battery Power, or 100Ah of Lithium Battery Power.


Buying Options


Product Overview


Included in the Weekender ISW System:

  • Overlander solar charging kit (OVERLANDER)
  • 1500 watt pure sine wave inverter for AC power (GP-ISW1500-12)
  • 30-amp single-bank, Bluetooth® PWM Solar Controller (GP-SB-PWM-30BT)**
  • 30 amp pre-wired Transfer Switch (GP-TS-30)
  • Inverter on/off remote (GP-ISW-R-12)
  • DC Inverter Install Kit (GP-DC-KIT3)
  • 1 x 25' of solar output cable (#10) red & 1 x 25’ of solar output cable (#10) black  and all mounting hardware (1 x GP-MH-4-KB)

*The Weekender system is compatible with 30-amp service. For a 50-amp service, consider upgrading to a Solar Elite charging system.

*If you have the GP-PWM-30-UL controller WITH Bluetooth, please click here for the User Manual and Spec Sheet.

**If you have the GP-PWM-30-UL controller WITHOUT Bluetooth, please click here for the User Manual and Spec Sheet.


FAQ & Support

+-Is this system suitable for 50-amp service?

No, this kit is limited to 30-amp services only. The SOLAR ELITE and SOLAR EXTREME complete systems are compatible with 50-amp service.


Complete Solar and Inverter
Charging Systems


Complete Solar and Inverter
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